Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Enough Lies


Trump won the election. The whole world saw it happen in real time.  The Supreme Court - 7 out of 9 anyhow - were in violation of their oaths to uphold the Constitution, and are cowards.

The election was stolen by massive, blatant fraud.  There was no single source; it was across the country and in many different ways.  One of the biggest was the mail-in ballots, necessitated by the paranoid, hysterical reaction to covid, driven chiefly by the American legacy media.  Those "mail-in" ballots included: ballots that had never been creased, as would happen if they had been put in an envelope and mailed; thousands of identical ballots only marked for Biden and nothing down-ticket - and by identical I mean identical, down to a missing patch of black in the exact same spot on every ballot; ballots that had no chain of custody at all, just the honor of Mark Zuckerberg; and ballots received from the deceased.

Stolen elections have consequences. Look at the price of gas.  Look at the Keystone pipeline killed, while the Russian's pipeline to Europe is dandy.  That's a consequence of fraudulently installing a dementia patient as President, who is now begging OPEC to ramp up production rather than get out of the way of a pipeline already under construction from Alberta.

Stolen elections have consequences. Look at Afghanistan.  The US just up and left, poof gone.  They didn't bother to help the people who had helped them as interpreters and information sources, oh no.  Those people are on their own now that the Taliban are back in charge.  They're so desperate to get out of there that they're swarming the runways at Kabul, piling on 800 at a time in cargo planes, and even hanging on to the outsides of the planes, only to fall to their deaths when their grips inevitably give way.

Enough lies!

Men are not women.  Women are not men.  Bruce Jenner is a mentally disturbed man, not a woman named Caitlyn.  Laurel Hubbard ought to be ashamed of himself.

When gay men in San Francisco put out a video of them singing about coming for your children, they're not mocking the squares, they mean it.  These people are insane, and pandering to their insane ideas like gay marriage is like mixing poison with food and calling the result edible.

Enough lies!

Joe Biden isn't the problem.  He barely knows what day it is.  He proudly announces to the press that his butt has been wiped as he strolls to the waiting helicopter.  That wasn't a joke or hyperbole, it happened. He isn't in charge of his own faculties, much less the country, and hasn't been since before the campaign even started.  Even the nomination process was a sham, and even then Kamala Harris didn't get a single delegate!  There is no single person in charge, that much is apparent.  There is a committee, or competing factions within the Democrat party, or a bit of both.  The leadership looks incoherent, because it is.

White Supremacy isn't the problem in the United States.  Marxist anti-Americanism is the problem, and it uses every tool at its disposal to drive Americans apart.  Race, class, sex, every crack has a wedge and they're pounding on it.  What drove people to vote for Trump wasn't racism, it was patriotism.  What happened on January 6th wasn't a riot or an insurrection, it was a protest by people who saw that their vote didn't count, that the counting was a fraud.  There were 800 thousand people there.  If it was a riot, not one brick would have been left standing atop another.  If it was an insurrection, at least one person would have arrived armed with a gun. If it was a riot or insurrection, the Capitol Police wouldn't have been inviting people in or taking selfies with them.  The one person killed was an unarmed protestor, a veteran, shot by a Capitol Police officer.  She was surrounded by police in SWAT gear, and if she was an actual threat could have been subdued by those men.  Instead the shot that killed her might have missed and hit one of them instead.

The people arrested on the 6th have been held in solitary confinement without trial.

Remember last year?  Remember when Black Lives Matter and Antifa caused over 2 billion dollars in damage to businesses?  Remember when they burned down the church across the street from the White House?  Remember more than 30 people killed in the riots?  None of those people were even charged!

Remember Antifa declaring their own country, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone?  That's sedition, for those unclear on the definition.  No jail for them.

Does anyone think that a two-tier justice system based on politics is really a good idea?  Democrats always innocent, until they aren't useful anymore - right, Harvey Weinstein? - Republicans always guilty, and if they aren't we'll fake the evidence?  That's a recipe for civil war.

And that leads me to think that the group in charge of America wants another American civil war.

They need America out of the way and preoccupied for a while.

Enough lies.

These covid vaccines are unnecessary.  There are already well-tested, safe drugs used for other ailments - such as ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, and Zinc - that can cure and perhaps even prevent covid.  South Korea published a study on Google Docs on March 13, 2020, stating as much, and they've had the lowest covid death rate in the world.  These vaccines they're trying to force everyone to get?  If everyone gets them, then there is no control group to tell whether they are effective or not.  We have no idea what the long term side effects will be, because a long term hasn't passed yet.  For the majority of people, these unknown risks from the vaccine are far greater than the known risks of the virus.  The masks and social distancing and lockdowns only hurt the economy of every jurisdiction that imposed them.

Enough lies.

The whole Trump/Russia thing was cooked up because Hillary needed an excuse as to why she lost an election rigged in her favor.  All the pollsters were paid to show she had a 97%+ chance of winning. All the People Who Mattered said she would win, nudge wink.  They tried to blame Comey (who let her off the hook instead of charging her with her 30 thousand plus felonies), then they tried to blame Wikileaks, and finally settled on Russia.  And the FBI and Justice department knew right from the start that the entire Steele dossier was a fabrication, yet pursued it for three years and spent 40 million dollars, and couldn't find a single law broken by Trump.  They had to make up evidence to get a FISA warrant on Carter Page. Result?  A knuckle slap for one guy, and Durham will deliver his report as soon as Godot gets here.

Enough lies.  The lies get built on top of lies on top of lies, ever more absurd.  They have to in order to keep the con going.  That, and Dalrymple's observation that propaganda is designed to break the will of people, to get them to accept and better yet repeat lies, because emasculated liars are easy to control.

The truth will come out, and people will see it, even if they are forced to see it as the German people were forced to see the concentration camps at the end of WW2. The truth has the advantage of being true.  It's hard for a liar to keep a story straight, because it is a fiction.  Truth doesn't have that problem.

Enough lies.  The Maricopa county audit results will be released soon, and we all know they will show Trump actually won Arizona.  There's already audits in Georgia and Pennsylvania.  It might not overturn the result of the 2020 debacle, but it should be a death blow to the Democrat party.  If not, it will be a death blow to freedom for everyone in the world.